Friday, November 17, 2017

Holiday Mental Health Check-Up

The days from November 1 to January 2 are a year unto themselves.  We pack so much into our lives during those 63 days.  Maybe you are like me and want to construct a plan that creates a healthy, meaningful, and joyful season.  The writer of Proverbs warns, “Where there is no vision, the people perish” (Prov. 29:18).   Here are some things to consider as you envision the holiday season ahead.

o   Sleep:  8 hours a night if possible.  It can be tempting to stay up late, but you will enjoy the holidays more when you feel rested.  Sleep is sacred.  The hours between 11pm-1am  are especially important to process the daily trauma's.  
o   Healthy Eating (avoid sugar) I know, I know.  Sounds ridiculous.  But, if you happen to eat sugar like I used to, it’s akin to a drunken binge.  Stay away from foods you will regret.  Drink water… lots of it.
o   Exercise:  Ministry can make us sedentary.  Do you move everyday?  It can help your mood significantly.  
o   What are you looking forward to this season (people, places, décor, food)?
o   What are you dreading (people, places, décor, food)?  Being honest with this question is important.  It takes more energy to stay in denial. 
o   Process grief with safe people who will listen carefully.
o   Focus your thoughts:  Phil 4:8 takes practice, so writing out, contemplating, or praying through this scripture can pull us out of despair. 
o   Family Roles/Rules:  Be aware of what the unspoken rules are (don’t talk, trust, feel) so that you can prepare to have those needs met before or after a family gathering.  You are not responsible for other’s beliefs or behavior.  Be a light in the darkness while not being hooked into the dark.
o   Boundaries:  You can’t do it all.  If you try, you will be a walking zombie through the holidays.  Take time to consider what is the best yes, and the helpful no.  It’s ok to disappoint people sometimes. 
o   Self Care:  What refuels you?  Put that on the calendar and guard it with your life.
o   Couple time:  Are you staying connected with your spouse?  Practice sharing your feelings, an affirmation towards them, and asking them how you can be praying for them.  Then let them know what you need from them. 
o   Reading His Word daily and listening for His voice.  What interrupts your devotional time?  When do you have clarity to hear?  Don’t look at your cell until after morning devotions. 
o   Grow your relationship with the Trinity by practicing the following:  Praise, Listening, Noticing, Repenting, Receiving (comfort and challenge). 

Let’s walk with Him this season in all its wonder and focus on the one who made it all possible.  May you have a wonderful 63 days. 

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